Tuesday 26 July 2011

Donations needed to decorate tram-stop

Make your grandmother proud and donate your old knitted sweaters, woolen jumpers or any other cosy old clothes you have lying around to help decorate some tram-stops as part of Mudfest! We also need any yarn you might have and/or any bits of fabric (decent sized pieces). We are also on the lookout for a coffee table - not using yours anymore? moved house? stolen one recently (hush hush)? - and some teacup and saucer sets - I bet Nanna has chipped ones lying around she's not using.

You can drop them into the Arts Office (Level 1, Union House) or email production.mudfest@gmail.com to arrange alternative pickup/dropoff

Stay muddy!

1 comment:

  1. FIRST POST TO MUDDY LEAKS NOT BY A CERTAIN PERSON!!! WOOT! Also I have some things which might be good, I will bring to Arts Office. x
